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    中國視聽網(wǎng)(www.kingdomlifegroup.com) > 行業(yè)資訊 > 視聽信息(數(shù)字告示) > 全新LED顯示屏為紅翼之家?guī)愍毺貦C遇
    更新:2024-2-1 9:21:10 稿件:中國視聽網(wǎng) 調(diào)整大小:【

    Crescent Point Place 的新 LED 大屏幕肯定會讓曲棍球迷驚嘆不已,這要歸功于與薩斯喀徹溫省石油和天然氣展的 80,000 多美元的合作伙伴關(guān)系

    薩斯喀徹溫省石油和天然氣展的一些巧妙計劃和大筆捐款使理查森先驅(qū)韋伯恩紅翼隊再次在SJHL中脫穎而出。他們新安裝的LED巨型屏幕在周六晚上對陣約克頓的比賽中首次亮相。盡管在宣布項目完成之前還需要進行一些小的收尾工作,但Red Wings辦公室和公關(guān)經(jīng)理Nick Nielsen已經(jīng)期待著它將改善比賽日體驗的多種方式。




    尼爾森還感謝 “SJHL Weekly” 背后的人 IKS Media,他們協(xié)助安裝了新顯示器,并為團隊設(shè)置了一些獨特的圖形和對員工的培訓(xùn)。他還邀請SJHL的粉絲下周初在Crescent Point Place停留,參加“SJHL Weekly”的特別現(xiàn)場直播,以進一步展示新顯示器的功能。

    “SJHL Weekly的人們實際上在1月22日在Crescent Point Place進行現(xiàn)場直播。所以,如果你想更好地看屏幕,看到杰羅米、羅里和杰米談?wù)撘磺蠸JHL,現(xiàn)場直播,周一來看我們,“尼爾森說。

    不過,大顯示屏的實用性并不止于SJHL曲棍球。任何計劃使用Crescent Point Place空間的活動或組織也可以與Red Wings聯(lián)系,討論利用大屏幕進一步增加體驗的選擇。薩斯喀徹溫省石油和天然氣展主席丹·庫格內(nèi)特(Dan Cugnet)表示,這些可能性正是該組織在進行捐贈時所考慮的。

    “當(dāng)我們尋求投資社區(qū)時,我們的重點是始終讓它成為有助于增強 [石油和天然氣] 展會的東西,”他解釋說!拔覀冋J(rèn)為這對 Wings 和 Crescent Point Place 來說會很棒,我們認(rèn)為在節(jié)目開始時擁有這種能力對我們來說會很棒。因此,當(dāng)他們向我們提出這個想法時,我們很快就接受了。

    “相當(dāng)快”可能有點低估了他們的熱情。這個想法于 2023 年秋季由 Nick Nielsen 和 Jeff Chessall 首次在石油和天然氣展上提出,在展會捐款超過 80,000 美元的情況下,屏幕能夠從曼尼托巴省的一個競技場運出,并在大約一個季度內(nèi)重新安裝在 Weyburn。有些人在看到一筆交易時就知道了一筆交易,而 Cugnet 認(rèn)為這筆交易一定會給支持他們的社區(qū)帶來紅利。



    Some clever planning and a large donation from the Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show has allowed for the Richardson Pioneer Weyburn Red Wings to once again set themselves apart in the SJHL. Their newly installed LED mega-screen saw its unofficial unveiling during Saturday night's game against Yorkton. Although some minor finishing touches are needed before calling the project complete, Red Wings Office and PR Manager Nick Nielsen is already looking forward to the many ways it will improve the game-day experience.

    "The way the screen is set up, we're going to be able to move our score clock over to the screen from time to time, and we're going to have a live feed of the game up there at all times," he explained. "We can also play videos up there, and we actually tested that out a little bit over the weekend with a couple different things like highlights from our players last year. It just adds a bunch of intermission opportunities, things that will improve the atmosphere."

    Advertising revenue is another major opportunity for the team, as the highly customizable display will undoubtedly draw the attention of every patron in the venue. However, the big question on fans' minds is if we'll be seeing instant replay footage at the next home game. Nielsen was quick to address that point and said that it's definitely a feature that's high on their list of goals, although it may take some time to develop.

    "We need a little bit more equipment to make it replay capable, which means we'll likely need another operator, which means another volunteer at some point to help run that," said Nielsen. "So, we're always looking for more volunteers. If you're technologically savvy, we'd love to have you, whether it's for running the screen or running the camera or anything like that, because we will need it to keep this thing running."

    Nielsen added his thanks to IKS Media, the people behind 'SJHL Weekly', for assisting with the installation of the new display and for setting up the team with some unique graphics and training for the staff. He also invited SJHL fans to stop in at Crescent Point Place early next week for a special live broadcast of 'SJHL Weekly' to further showcase the capabilities of the new display.

    "The folks from SJHL Weekly are actually doing a live broadcast from here at Crescent Point Place on January 22nd. So, if you want to get a better look at the screen and see Jeromy, Rory and Jamie talk about everything SJHL, live as it happens, come on out to see us on Monday," Nielsen offered.

    The utility of the large display does not stop with SJHL hockey, though. Any event or organization planning to use the space at Crescent Point Place can also approach the Red Wings to discuss the option of utilizing the big-screen to further add to the experience. Dan Cugnet, Chair of the Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show, said that these possibilities are exactly what the organization had in mind when making their donation.

    "When we're looking to invest in the community, the focus for us is to always have it be something that will help enhance the [Oil and Gas] Show as well," he explained. "We thought it'd be great for the Wings and Crescent Point Place, and we thought it'd be great for us to have that capability when the Show is on. So, when they approached us with the idea, we got on board pretty quick with it."

    "Pretty quick" might be underselling their enthusiasm just a bit. The idea was first floated to the Oil and Gas Show by Nick Nielsen and Jeff Chessall in the Fall of 2023 and with the Show's contribution of more than $80,000, the screen was able to be transported from an arena in Manitoba and reinstalled in Weyburn in roughly one Quarter. Some folks just know a good deal when they see one, and Cugnet believes that this deal is bound to pay dividends back into the community that supports them.

    "We were happy to do it and I think it's going to create a lot of value for the Red Wings going forward, a lot of value for the for the Oil Show, and a lot of value for the for the community and for Crescent Point place," he said.

    Cugnet added that he is already looking forward to the fantastic lineup of speakers set to make an appearance at the next Oil Show on June 4th, and to try out their newly improved ability to shine a spotlight on the Southeast's Energy Sector.

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